THIRD EYE BLIND is a HEAVY METAL DEATH ROCK BAND. Originally the band began as THIRD EYE CHAKRA but after an almost tragic accident they will awaken several months later at the exact same time. They go back on tours with new costumes and a new act. Why do their songs have the names of some in the audience and why do they form strange threads during the performances. It is a good idea not to end up on their radar. Why and how do they interact with SANDMAN SMITH. They will soon lean that what they have to do will affect everything we know and everything we do not know. The fate of everyone and everything may depend on these three. It will not be like it was of old.
The three are...
CLOTHO, The "censored for your protection"

LACHESIS, The "censored for your protection"

ATROPOS, The "censored for your protection"

Well...that certainly didn't tell you much did it. Some of you may catch on to the idea of it all and you may find out some answers on your own.